Life is good my friends. Life is good. I passed my previous unit in medical school! Lisha is back from working in Denver and visiting her family in Utah.
So anyways, in my preparation for Lisha's homecoming I deep cleaned the house. It was a mess! And this mess was due to almost complete lethargy over the weekend, due to Lisha being gone and also the stress of the final I had just taken really, really wore me down. I couldn't be bothered with dishes or anything. So everything kept piling up everywhere. Trust me it was horrendous.
But whatever, on Tuesday at 5:00PM I went on a "cleaning rampage". In fact it may have been my best one ever. I cleaned everything. The inside of the fridge looks beautiful. The cabinets were organized and I ran two loads through the dishwasher. Just name something to clean and I cleaned it. Man it felt good!
It felt so good. I walked through our small apartment maybe 20 times admiring how clean it was. Then I wondered, "I wonder if other people do this? You know, just revel in the cleanliness that was ushered in via their hands and sweat."
In fact, the endorphins were so high from the cleaning rampage I needed to get all my energy out. So at 10:00PM I went to the gym for an hour. I'm getting all flustered just writing about it.
This must be how Bret Michaels feels like when he is on stage rocking with his rock band Poison.
6 years ago
Did you also clean out the drain in the shower that fills up with hair (99% Lisha's)?
Because that is important.
Eew, thanks Taradise. The house did look amazing until you came in and walked all over with your mud tracking shoes. But all is forgiven because the rest of the house is still sparkling and you taped back up my package that you unlawfully opened.
Ahhhh, marriage.
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