Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Attacked from the front and the back, you movin' so fast piercing at my anorak

I was in Vegas for President's day weekend and I didn't enjoy the strip much. The best parts of the trip were spent at Red Rock Canyon hiking and rock climbing. I didn't so much enjoy the strip because I felt like I was in an enormous shopping mall. Everything was fake (Paris, New York, plastic roman statues) and everyone is out to get your money! Mo money mo problems. Maybe it's the Jew in me, but I don't like people trying to get at my money. Expensive clothes, cars, private dancers (I'm your private dancer, dancer for money..! I couldn't get that song out of my head every time I saw the prostitute hawkers), jewelry... everywhere I looked it seemed like someone wanted me to buy something! I prefer looking at a pretty mountain or jumping into a cold lake to walking the Vegas strip, but I even have trouble eating at Red Robin where when you go to the urinals the front page of a newspaper is in front of you and a tv is playing in the background. Just give me this moment to wee in peace!

1 comment:

Marge Bjork said...

Stephen, I am SO sorry you couldn't wee in peace. That is terrible.