Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Richard Wood Goes On Welfare

I write this next bit tilting my head to the upper right, closing my eyes, and gently kissing the sweet taste off the tips of my fingers: "Ah... few things beat the fine corpulence of you my friend, welfare cheque." As you can all see, I also look the part. I've broken my record in growing out my beard for a two and a half weeks. My showers have unfortunately not been daily. Also my crazy afro is back. So, obviously, I will be spending my cheque on bling and to put money down on a large screen television. My brothers and I get these cheques every three months because the government loves us... no it's actually a rebate for Goods and Services Tax (our national sales tax or GST). So is it actually welfare? Debatable, but I'd like to think so.


Anonymous said...

P.S. To anyone who worries, yes I will be shaving. My beard experiment has sadly fizzled. I cannot grow the mustache to beard connection (yet), which was my goal of my experiment. And a haircut is also high on my to do list when I return to Provo.

Laquina said...

Did you get a Jesus chain?

tara said...

And instead of a tv, did you buy cocaine with that money? It would be fitting with your new look.

Marge Bjork said...

one time when I worked at a grocery store these people came in with a government check to buy things for their baby and they bought lots of ketchup, steak, and cigarettes and one bottle of baby food. Did you buy any ketchup?