Thursday, October 18, 2007

We diagnosed a disease

I think I have lactose intolerance, but I am not as bummed as I thought I would be. I love milk and will always love milk. Whenever someone would say, "Gee, you're tall", I would respond, "I drank a lot of milk growing up". And you know, I say it with belief. Milk is what made me who I am today. I have so many great memories with milk. So this makes me puzzled as to why I am not so bummed to be lactose. I guess it just has to do something with growing up. Maybe life has taught me how to better deal with change.


Laquina said...

That's OK. Meg Ryan was lactose intolerant in the movie "French Kiss" as she traveled the French countryside and she survived. Plus, she gave up her life savings for a greasy Kevin Klein with a French accent. In other words, if she can do can you. And you don't even have to sleep with Kevin Klein.

rich said...

Stephen, I just think it's amazing that we diagnosed the disease. It's incredible. Do you think we've truly diagnosed you with Lactose Intolerance? Maybe I have lactose intolerance but it affects me in that I don't like washing dishes or brushing my teeth at night.