I love breakfast. I sat down to eat a grapefruit today after a sweet sweet bowl of granola, and I realized that I never miss breakfast. I cannot recall the last time I skipped my morning meal. Even when I got up early last weekend at 3 AM to go to Arizona, I still made time to eat breakfast. Not some granola bar on the go breakfast, but a bowl of cereal and some fruit, possibly toast. And while camping, what I always look forward to is a bacon and eggs campfire breakfast. Even if it means being a little late to class, I still take that precious time for breakfast. Oh breakfast, you give me energy and I love you! When I meet a girl I love as much as breakfast, I will know that I love her too; and when I am willing to give up breakfast for a girl, she's the one.
this is fantastic
I think it is why you are so tall. I will always use you as an example of why people should always eat their breakfast.
Whenever people ask me why I'm so tall I always say its because I drank a lot of milk. And a lot of that milk came from breakfast. Oh breakfast, I love you!
i love breakfast food
I could take it or leave it - just like this blog
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