Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Why Lisha Why?

So as you all read Rich got his wisdom teeth pulled on Monday. Lisha being the amazing friend that she is brought over the OC for him to watch while he recovered. Well thanks a bunch Lisha! I'm going to admit this right now to everybody I'm watching the first season of the OC and I'm enjoying it. Yes that's right folks even though it sickens me to admit it I can't stop watching it. Of course it happens to be right during the last week of classes and this isn't good. I have so much stuff to get done and thanks to this it's not. So Lisha thanks so much for bringing the OC over and making me unproductive the week when I needed to be productive the most. 


Marge Bjork said...

you should subtract points for this.

tara said...

goodbye med school

rich said...

Ya Mike. You are so lame watching the OC. Get over yourself. Lame man it's just lame.

Laquina said...

You are welcome Miguel. You are also welcome for the best non-productive hours you have ever spent at school every monday and wednesday morning. Life lessons are always more important than school lessons.

I'm sorry I'm not the most boring person EVER!