Okay, you may not have remembered running to the stereo to record Spacehog per se... but still, right? It might have been Age of Electric, Limblifter, or the Super Friendz... okay it probably wasn't them either (I just wanted to enlighten you with some bands that were way big in Canada but never cracked into the United States).
I was also running to the taper to record Soundgarden, the Offspring, and Bush X. And if I remember correctly, Stephen was running to his tape recorder to get Bon Jovi's "Thank You For Loving Me".
Either way. Remember when radio was something good? Ya, I stopped listening once Napster came out. Listening to the radio for new music became pointless. Well, at least in Winnipeg, Provo, and Mesa it was. Sure, sure. I listened to the college radio stations. But apart from a few shows on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon... they weren't that good (actually, shout out to "Afternoon Delight" on Utah's KCRL).
Okay, long story short: KEXP = public radio that plays great music all the time. It pretty much sums up everything I like about Seattle. There is a real effort to escape commercialism. Seattle's HUGE, and I swear I could count the amount of Walmarts and Targets on one hand... no joke. Yep, Seattle keeps it pretty real... except everyone seems to always trying to "out-hippy" one another. That can get pretty ridiculous.
Anyways, I just wanted to leave a note for all of you. I also want to let you all know know that you are free to check out a side project of mine and Lisha's at http://richpluslisha.tumblr.com.
I loved In the Meantime. I remember buying that CD at Silver Platters at Northgate. I still have it actually.
Also 107.7 The End used to be a great radio station. It was the first ever major radio station to play Weezer. They kinda went downhill after I went to college but they went back to their roots a couple years ago playing all that stuff from the early-mid 90's. They might have gone down hill again since then.
That song always brings a tear to my eye. I really appreciate Bon Jovi's sensitive, real, and deep lyrics. So real. I also remember you, Rich, running to record Chumbawamba. You'd get knocked down, but then get up again and press record because nothing was ever going to keep you down from recording chumbawumba. Ooooh Richard Wood, Richard Wood, Richard Wood... Peeing the night away...
I remember trying to record Pearl Jam's Last Kiss because it was SO beautiful and meaningful and romantic but I RAN OUT OF TAPE HALF WAY THROUGH!!! And remember how you'd always shake your fist at DJ's who would talk over beginnings or ends of songs when you were trying to record them?
I love the link! Great pictures! Great tablecloth! Great food! I love you guys!
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