Friday, May 1, 2009

tweet tweet tweet

Why do I like Twitter? When I signed up last year, I thought to myself "This is useless". But there was so much hype that I just needed to check it out. So what has happened as a result: hilarity.

I only follow 5 people on twitter: Lisha, Mike, Whitney, Carina, and Kellen (a friend from medical school). Oh! And Acid house Kings. Unlike Facebook, which has just gotten too "busy" for me I can get my online amusement by reading hilarious and informative updates from a few people.

I like Facebook in that I can still keep in touch with friends from the UK (probably one of the only reasons I'll keep my Facebook account) but really I just don't like all the power I have given Facebook with my information.

Anyways... this is such a bad post. I'm just trying to break the monotony. I always like it when other people update their blogs. And it has been hard for just me to update this blog continually with medical school (which by the way I am really enjoying, in fact I have my microbiology in front of me right now... I just needed a break).

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