Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Buried Treasure!

So about two months ago I upgraded to a new computer, which has much more hard drive space on it than my last one. Eight times to be exact. But now that I have all this new space I find that I can fit more of my music library that I've been keeping on an external hard drive. As I've been importing song from my external hard drive I've been finding songs that I haven't listened to in years. It's like finding buried treasure! For example I've fallen in love with Beck's Odelay all over again. It's such an amazing album. Some other ones are The Beastie Boys Licensed To Ill, Timbaland and Magoo Welcome to Our World, Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dreams, and the list goes on. These are all amazing albums that I would listen to non-stop but somehow I just forgot that I had them in my music library. I'm just glad that I brought them back from being buried deep in my music library.  


Laquina said...

I "rediscovered" Mariah Carey yesterday when I was cleaning my room and I just couldn't "shake, shake.....shake it off. And you know it ain't the same when you keep on playin games"

Unknown said...

I love Licensed to Ill!

Whits said...

I recently rediscovered Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream as well. Its amazing! Truly.